Winters Youth Day was founded in 1933 by Reverend Charles P. Barkman and High School Principal, Dr. A.M.Herron to teach young people the aspects of city government. Each year the young people of Winters take over the elected offices of the city. After a week of hands-on experience with their city counterparts, everyone is honored with the annual Youth Day Parade and a day full of fun. Despite being canceled during World War II, the Youth Day tradition has held strong and proud. It’s a celebration for youth of all ages. Please join us for a day of fun!
The annual Kiddie Parade starts promptly at 9:45 a.m. If you’d like to join in on the fun, arrive at 8:45 at the corner of 4th and Main Street to enter.
Please NO motorized vehicles. Motorized vehicles will not be eligible for awards. “Barbie” style – electric jeeps, etc. are okay. Categories for the parade are:
A. Decorated Bicycle B. Costume C. Wagon D. Pet E. Group F. Mini-Float
MAIN PARADE 10am | Downtown Winters
Join the fun as the 84th Youth Day Parade marches it’s way down historic Main Street in the City of Winters! The 2022 Parade Theme is: "Youthfully ever after!"